Thursday, December 17, 2009

it's a boy!

We received our referral yesterday for a beautiful, healthy baby boy.
We are beyond thrilled.

Merry Christmas, indeed.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


six is good! (do any of you watch Seinfeld?)

Well, we are moving on down the list. I was pretty bummed out about being number six for several days, seeing as there are typically 4-5 referrals each quarter. But I just got word that 3 families ahead of us have requested a girl so.... it could be December after all. Wouldn't a December referral just make the best Christmas present? This is what I am asking for this year!

{image from here}

Monday, July 20, 2009


10 is the magic number. That's right, the countdown has officially begun. We are 10 in line, waiting for our referral. That means probably March, possibly December or a miracle in September. I guess it's finally time to start catching up emotionally. I have been forcing myself to be so detached emotionally that we went from #20 to #10 in a blink of an eye. (This is something you don't typically hear from pre-adoptive parents!)

OK - Sweet Baby! We are praying you home soon!

Friday, March 27, 2009


This morning we went in to have our fingerprints done.   Some people see God when they look at the stars or a mountain or a baby born.  I, today saw God in a biometric fingerprinting device.  I felt so known.  So decided upon.  So intentionally made & wanted.  

Sweet baby, I pray you feel that way today too.  Your unique fingerprints say it is so. 

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

baby steps

We just received our 1-800a receipt and the date & time for our fingerprinting.  Yippee!  Another step complete.  We will be there soon sweet baby.  Not just yet, but we are getting closer. 

Monday, February 2, 2009


In an attempt to keep my mind off of our adoption for the time being, I started another blog.

Sometimes I need to duck out of the adoption world for awhile in light of the 2+ years we still have to go...

You can check out my (non-adoption related) blog over here.

Monday, January 5, 2009

from the Chapman's

I just read Mary Beth Chapman's Christmas letter and was really touched.  Mary Beth is the wife of Steven Curtis Chapman.  They lost their sweet girl from China this past year.  You can read the letter here.