Friday, December 12, 2008

For all the waiting parents out there -

I heard this song today, and it struck me. This is just how I feel. I bet it's how a lot of you feel, too.

All you really want is to have your baby home. Safe, warm, loved.

I pray this for every child that doesn't get to be with their forever family this year.

Lord, even in our absence, let them be safe. Warm. Loved. 
But Godspeed them home so that we can have the honor of providing them with all the above. Thank you.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Happy Birthday to H.M the King of Thailand!

Today is the 81st birthday of King Bhumibol Adulyadej, the beloved King of Thailand. His annual birthday speech was canceled due to illness. Please pray for a quick recovery and a blessed year ahead for this King and the nation he serves.

To read more, click here.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

keep it coming

The Thai Prime Minister has stepped down, cargo flights have begun to leave and remaining flights should be departing by Friday, in time for the king's birthday. Though this may all be great news, there is still a good change of a political backlash. Please pray for a continuing peace in Thailand.

to read more, click here.