Monday, July 20, 2009


10 is the magic number. That's right, the countdown has officially begun. We are 10 in line, waiting for our referral. That means probably March, possibly December or a miracle in September. I guess it's finally time to start catching up emotionally. I have been forcing myself to be so detached emotionally that we went from #20 to #10 in a blink of an eye. (This is something you don't typically hear from pre-adoptive parents!)

OK - Sweet Baby! We are praying you home soon!


ragamuffinbeauties said...

So exciting, was just asking Chic if she was up to date on ya'lls time line. We are praying with you!

Rebekah said...

So excited for you that your wait has been cut in half already. Our boys will be playing together in no time! :-)

Michael Morales said...

Hi! I usually don't comment on random people's blogs but here I go... My husband and I are about to start the long journey toward Thai adoption (God willing of course) and your story and faith are inspiring me...thanks! I am excited for you that you are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Take care!

Yoli said...

I think September will be your magic month.

Maci Miller said...

Ok, where the heck are ya? Was hoping to see a revival of your witty posts!

kristine said...

Definitely a magic number! Very excited that your wait has been cut down. "The day, the call, the referral" wlll be here before you know it!

Chris and Terri said...

Any news on the countdown? I didn't hear much from September group.