Jen of
Jen & Jeff's Baby Blog tagged me. I don't typically do these things but who could say no to Jen!
So here goes... some interesting or unusual facts about me:
1. I spent a summer caring for a hawk named Skye. Poor Skye, I was REALLY underqualified for that job.
2. I am a homebody that loves to travel.
3. I have a deep love/hate relationship with personality tests as I love to understand myself and others better but am always bitter that I get scored as an extrovert when I am quite confident of that fact that I am an introvert.
4. There is something very appealing to me to living 'off the grid'. At the very least I would like to grow most of our food. I know - I have this inner hippie in there just trying to get out.
5. I am Irish, English, Dutch, Hungarian, German, and Jewish. I have also been a part of Catholic, Baptist, & Christian churches. Our second child was born in a Muslim nation and our third will be born in a Buddhist nation. I kind of wish I was a Quaker.
6. I long to live in North Carolina though I have never visited there before.
7. I think being a mom is the best job in the world. And again, a job I feel very unqualified for.